

OWL Software

Condensed Tobin's Spirit Guide

Overall Gameplay Concept: This is explained more thoroughly in the Handbook. You are given a gizmo called the SHaRC which acts as your navigational device for the game. Input a "haunt valence" into the SHaRC and it will lead you to the next clue site. When you solve a puzzle enter it into the custom software known as OWL. A correct answer will give you a new "haunt valence" and therefor a new clue site. Each answer corresponds to a descriptive category about the ghost you are hunting. Fill in enough of these categories and the SHaRC is able to lock onto the ghost itself and capture it. After you capture the ghost you can review its life story in the form of a simple movie, by entering the "invoice code" into the OWL.

Training Ghost - Benign Booga


Location 1: Woodfin Suites Conference Room, Emeryville
Description: After a slide show presentation covering your equipment and reference materials, a ghost is released into the room for your first capture. The lights go out, and the slide show turns to wavy red static. The name tags on the registration poster glow to reveal the words "Testing", "Skeptics", and "Equipment". A dog is heard barking and growling.


A1: Posters
A2: Training instructions tell you "Bacon Ripple" is his favorite flavor.
A3: Barking Dog
A4: Slide Static
A5: Method of death is inferred.

Location 2: Borders Book Store
Description: You are handed a flyer for a dog show.

A6: Flyer

Location 3: Park at end of Powell
Description: After a successful game of Fricket, you recieve a chewed up Frisbee.

A7: Frisbee

Invoice Code: Loyalty

Sent to Chinatown for first assignment.

Chinatown - Kung Fu Fright


Location 1: Saint Mary's Park, San Francisco
Description: Flower shape on playground has an image of a dragon in an "S" shape with the letters L I M E radiating outward.


B1: Flower Dragon

B2: Inferred from dragon

Location 2: Grant Avenue
Description: A rack of rubber chickens with recipe cards in their stomachs.

chicken rack

B3: Recipes

Location 3: Portsmouth Square Park
Description: A small vial of rice has a tag reading "Your name painted on a single grain of rice!". Details of colored dots around the name are only visible under a magnifying glass.

name on rice

B4: Name on rice

Location 4: DVD store on Grant
Description: A bootleg DVD of Super Fighters 2!

B5: Super Fighters Cover, Super Fighters Movie

Location 5: Fortune Cookie Factory
Description: A bag of fortune cookies with special fortunes inside.

B6: Fortunes

Location 6: St. Mary's Church
Description: A fan with letters written across the top and a strip of paper with a list of words.


B7: Fan, Paper

Invoice Code: Dishonor

Capture ghost at the gates of Chinatown. Sent to Sports Basement in he Presidio for next assignment.

The Presidio - Pirate Dread


Location 1: Chrissy Field Beach
Description: The pirate has cursed his buried treasure, and if you lay your eyes on it, you'll melt like that Nazi in Raiders. Two team members must be blind-folded and the rest of the team will guide them to each buried treasure. Collect a coin from each spot and match it with the non-cursed items in the chest.

buried treasure

C1: Coins, Chest

Location 2: Pet Cemetery
Description: Photos of gravestones at the pet cemetery have a ghostly blur concealing the name. Teams match photos to gravestones to get the names. Each grave has a flag with a color and number on it.

pet cemetery

C2: Photos, Solve Data

Location 3: Fort Point
Description: A CD of "All for me Grog", the song you'll never stop singing.

fort point

C3: All for me Grog CD Cover, mp3

Location 4: Eagle Point
Description: A log book detailing some competitive naval plunderment.

C4: Log Book

Location 5: Baker Beach
Description: A set of conch shells with onomatopoeia-ish things written on them

C5: Map, Sounds

Location 6: Battery Chamberlain
Description: A few very large sand dollars, which were unfortunately stolen or destroyed before many people got to see them, or we documented them.

C6: Example sand dollar . If you traced the marking of each one (using the provided tracing paper), they would create roman numerals for the death date, 5/18/1715
C7: In Tobin's

Invoice Code: Greed

Pier 39 - Hirsute Haunter


Location 1: Musee Mechanique
Description: You are given a set of "snakes" which you must match up with machines in the Musee. You are told by the OWL to get a fortune from the wizard.

ferris wheelwizard

C1: Snakes
C2: Fortune

Location 2: In-N-Out Food Court
C3: 3 Ring Circuses

Location 3: Ben and Jerry's Stand
C4: Animal Crackers


Location 4: Pier 39 Carousel


C5: Kids Activity Book

Location 5: Outside Auquarium
Description: A poster outside the Aquarium reads "I'm on to you, ghost patrol. I've haunted your OWL. :-{(>" . Entering the emoticon into the OWL reveals the juggler animation.
C6: Juggler

Location: Pier 37 deck
Description: Portrait cut-outs all have strange beards and some aspects flouresce when you take a flash picture.
C7: Photo Boards - cannonball, clown, fatlady, knifegirl, ringleader

Invoice Code: Heartbreak

Come back to hotel for next assignment. Teams were scrambled to Artist, Fortune Teller , or Rock Star to avoid excessive crowding.

South Berkeley - Split Spiritus


Location 1: Emerson House
Description: Artist's studio with a series of suicide themed paintings and a model under a "shine kit" in one room, and a very simple portait in another.


E1: Pain'tings, Worksheet
E2: Sketch, Painting, Palette, Painting under UV, Palette under UV

Location 2: Ashby House
Description: Several hidden messages around the house, and a colorful letter full of gibberish.
E3: Letter from resident Cryptic Letter

Location 3: Deakin House
E4: Collage

Location 4: Halcyon Park
E5: Janus

Location 5: Shattuck House
E6: Line Art 1
E7: Line Art 2

Invoice Code: Duality

El Cerrito - Visionary Vapor


Location 1: House
Description: Backyard graveyard with a sign that says "Dig Your Own Grave". Of course, the graves are unmarked until you shine UV on them to find your team's motto. After you've dug up your bones, you go inside the house and get a rack of potions.

dig your grave


F1: Bones (actual bones were molded clay, but folding this down the middle and cutting out the shapes should have the same result)
F2: Potions

Location 2: Virginia Street
F3: Symbol Stars

Location 3: San Carlos Street House
Description: A Fortune Teller's home. Here teams find a Ouija Board, a set of divining dice, and a deck of Tarot cards.


Invoice Code: Denial

Woodfin Suites - Rockin Wraith


Location 1: Woodfin Suites Hotel Room

Description: You head back to the Woodfin Suites to capture and infamous hotel room ghost. You are first sent to a hotel room with a bunch of golden records strewn about and a tv displaying this static.TV static

The TV static is just a clue to tell teams to look under the toilet lid for the worksheet for this puzzle.

G1: Worksheet Gold Records

Location 2: Woodfin Suites Conference Room

Description: You head back down to the conference room and are given a bag of empty liquor bottles with a note explaining that there were mysterious howling sounds coming from them. You were allowed to use the conference room for solving. Here is a picture of the bottles, though we can't think of a way to put this one online that is in anyway solvable. Once you have the bottles in order you fill them with water in order to play a song. The level that you fill the bottle indicates a part of the answer. When you finished you were given some tablature and a chord chart.

bottles uv

G3: Bass Tab, Guitar Tab, Chord Chart

Location 3: Inkwell studios

Description: A short distance away you picked up a sheet of temporary tattoos from a tattoo parlor.

G4: Tattoos

Location 4: Back at the Woodfin Suites

G5: Partridge (sort of unwebable. Maybe we can think of something)

Location 5: Christie Park

Description: Not far from the hotel you found an audio CD entitled "My Badass Mix"

G6: CD cover

Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8

G7: Inferred

Invoice Code: Opus

Lake Merritt Park, Oakland - Persnickety Poltergeist


Location 1: Lake Merritt Lawn Bowling Courts

Description: After capture the last of the nighttime ghosts. The ShaRC would display a "containment breach" error. Bottom-line, a ghost is messing with our stuff and we want you to go take him out. Head to Lake Merritt park in Oakland to find you next dossier. You meet the Bocce Ball coach on the greens. There is a set of balls set in place that you do not move. You throw another set of balls and based on the ball's proximity to white ball, the coach will shout words like "Great" or "Wonderful!"

H1: Bocce


Location 2: Lake Merritt Gazebo


H2: Nerd Battle Ship

Location 3: Lake Merritt Labyrinth

You find a maze set up with GC members sitting in the middle. You must drive an RC car to the center of the maze and retrieve the next clue: a 12 sided die and some slips of paper.


H3: Dice

Location 4: Lake Merritt Fountain


H4: Atomic Masons

Location 5: End Game

H5: Tetris Boggle

Location 6: 20th and Harrison

Description: Back at the park you are given a stack of cards and some stickers. The file here is the front and the backs of the cards, if you were to print double-sided.

H6: Taboo Stickers

H7: Given in dossier

Invoice Code: Adventure

Hill Top Cemetery - Ghostly Glob

Location: Hill Top Cemetery

Description: After you have caught the Poltergeist, Alan, he immediately haunts your Owl and begins speaking to you. After a brief conversation you make a tenuous agreement with Alan that you will let him go if he helps you find a way to destroy the Ghostly Glob. You learn that in order to defeat the glob, you need help each ghost journey to the "great beyond". Each ghost has left a clue behind. Think of what is keeping the ghost on earth and use that as an insight to solve the puzzle. As you work, Alan will offer you help if you tell him your thoughts and verify when a ghost has been eliminated. If you want to play along in the owl software, you need to first capture Alan (lock onto the persnickety poltergeist, and then type the Invoice code "adventure" into the trap. After the movie, finish the conversation with Alan by typing "yes" and "ghostly glob" at the appropriate time. He should then help you along as you share with him your insight. Each clue has a slime container next to it which, if you did careful research throughout the game, will identify the corresponding ghost and help you solve the puzzle more quickly. You can review the ghost's movie at any time by typing in its invoice code.


I1: Training

I2: Pirate

I3: China Town

I4: Circus

I5: Fortune Teller

I6: Bipolar

I7: Rock Star

After you solve all the puzzles the Ghostly Glob is defeated! After a short speech from Alan the game is over.